A Message from Executive Director, Kristin Byrd
We are all still processing and accepting the fact that the Pandemic greatly impacted our world as we know it. These are certainly unprecedented and uncertain times and no doubt our priorities are keeping our families safe. At Child Protect we are following local and national guidelines to ensure the safety of our staff, our team, and our clients. However, as you know, child abuse does not take time off for holidays, weekends, or in this case, a virus.
Child Protect has been serving abused children in our community for over 30 years; children who have been in the most unsafe situations. With school closings, day care closings, people out of work, financial burdens, and the added stress of the unknown, an environment for increased child abuse can occur. The staff at Child Protect are highly skilled and trained in responding to trauma and experienced in times of crisis. We remain available to answer the call 24 hours a day and 7 days a week to provide a forensic interview for the child at the request of the Montgomery County DHR and/or local Law Enforcement. We continue to provide follow-up counseling to the children so not to disrupt their healing process. Masks are not required, but are welcome at this time inside the Center. We ask that if you or your child has a fever that you reschedule your appointment, if possible. We are grateful for your continued support for the children we serve, they are counting on all of us, now more than ever. |

COVID-19 Protocol |
Screening Staff & Visitors with Self Reporting of Symptoms
Before coming to the CAC, staff, clients and community partners should be able to answer “no” to each of these screening questions:
*Close contact with a sick person is defined as:
CAC staff should consider asking the screening questions at each of these times before allowing clients and community partners entry to the building:
1. At the time the appointment is scheduled;
2. At the time of the reminder call or email for the appointment; and
3. Before entering the building for their appointment.
It is recommended that clients and community partners are greeted in the entryway or parking lot to assess their health before entering the building. Clients and community partners will be allowed entry if their response is “no” all questions. Upon entering the CAC, their temperature should be taken by a designated CAC staff person, preferably with a non-contact infrared thermometer. If they do not have a temperature above 100 degrees F, they will be escorted to their specified space in the building.
Testing for COVID-19 is not 100% accurate. False negative test results (test is negative but person has the virus) can occur. Therefore, if an individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, regardless of the test results, that individual should not come to the CAC. Regardless of diagnosis, children who are sick cannot participate to the fullest extent in the forensic interview process or therapy.
Before coming to the CAC, staff, clients and community partners should be able to answer “no” to each of these screening questions:
- Do I have fever of 100.4 degrees F or greater? Or the current CDC guidelines for fever?
- Do I have a new cough that is unrelated to seasonal allergies?
- Do I have a new sore throat that is unrelated to seasonal allergies?
- Do I have new respiratory symptoms that are unrelated to seasonal allergies?
- Do I have vomiting or diarrhea?
- Do I have flu-like symptoms?
- Do I have new muscle aches or pains?
- Have I experienced a loss of my sense of smell or taste?
- Have I been in close contact with a COVID-19 infected individual or person with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 in the last 14 days?
*Close contact with a sick person is defined as:
- Living in the same household as a sick person with COVID-19
- Caring for a sick person with COVID-19
- Being within 6 feet of a sick person with COVID-19 for about 10 minutes or more
- Being in direct contact with secretions from a sick person with COVID-19 (being coughed on, kissing, sharing utensils, etc.)
CAC staff should consider asking the screening questions at each of these times before allowing clients and community partners entry to the building:
1. At the time the appointment is scheduled;
2. At the time of the reminder call or email for the appointment; and
3. Before entering the building for their appointment.
It is recommended that clients and community partners are greeted in the entryway or parking lot to assess their health before entering the building. Clients and community partners will be allowed entry if their response is “no” all questions. Upon entering the CAC, their temperature should be taken by a designated CAC staff person, preferably with a non-contact infrared thermometer. If they do not have a temperature above 100 degrees F, they will be escorted to their specified space in the building.
Testing for COVID-19 is not 100% accurate. False negative test results (test is negative but person has the virus) can occur. Therefore, if an individual has symptoms consistent with COVID-19, regardless of the test results, that individual should not come to the CAC. Regardless of diagnosis, children who are sick cannot participate to the fullest extent in the forensic interview process or therapy.
- Only one Caregiver/Guardian is allowed per child(ren).
- Only one family will be allowed in the lobby at a time.
- Please sanitize your hands before entering. A hand sanitizer station has been set up on our porch, to the right of our front door, for your convenience.
- Wearing a mask is optional upon entering.
- If you or anyone with you has had a fever greater than 100.4 within the last 48 hours, please reschedule your appointment.
- No unscheduled visits until further notice. Unfortunately, we are currently not able to see anyone without a scheduled appointment. If you would like to make a donation or speak to someone, please call to schedule an appointment.