Supporting the Victims of Child Abuse
The trauma of a child being sexually or physically abused is more than any child deserves. Child Protect exists to minimize that trauma and help rebuild young lives shattered by child abuse. The Child Protect Children's Advocacy Center offers a non-threatening environment where a multidisciplinary team works together to minimize any further trauma during the justice and restoration process.
One Time, One Place. Instead of having to be interviewed multiple times by different agencies and attorneys, child abuse victims are able to tell their story once, and the information is then shared among appropriate parties. This lessens the impact on the child abuse victim and family. As the process moves along, the child may receive counseling and other services in this same, non-threatening, nourishing environment. |
Take A Tour of Our Center
Photography by Carter Photography & Design
Photography by Carter Photography & Design

In 2013, Child Protect received the Guide Star Exchange GuideStar Exchange Seal - demonstrating its commitment to transparency. Guide Star Exchange's mission is to revolutionize philanthropy and nonprofit practice by providing information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving. Please share on your social networks to support child abuse victims.